|1957-1979 | 1981-1999 | 2000-Present | Abbreviation |
ADEOS Advanced Earth Observing Satellite
AIST National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
BAPMoN Background Air Pollution Monitoring Network
CONTRAIL Comprehensive Observation Network for Trace gases by Airliner
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
ECOMO Foundation for Promoting Personal Mobility and Ecological Transportation
FFPRI Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
GAW Global Atmosphere Watch
GEO Group on Earth Observations
GEOSECS Geochemical Ocean Section Study
GOSAT Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite
INDIGO Indian Gas Ocean
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
JACCO Japanese Alliance for Climate Change Observation
JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
JMA Japan Meteorological Agency
KNOT Kyodo North Pacific Ocean Time series
LDEO Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
MOE Ministry of the Environment
MRI Meteorological Research Institute
NEDO New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
NIAES National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
NIES National Institute for Environmental Studies
NIPR National Institute of Polar Research
NIWA National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
NOAA National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
NSF National Science Foundation
OCCCO Office for Coordination of Climate Change Observation
SAGE SubArctic Gyre Experiment
SAVE South Atlantic Ventilation Experiment
SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
TTO Transient Tracers in the Oceans
WDCGG World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WOCE/JGOFS World Ocean Circulation Experiment/Joint Global Ocean Flux Study

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