

[Address] Office for Coordination of Climate Change Observation
Center for Global Environmental Research
National Institute for Environmental Studies
  16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan
[Contact] TEL:+81-29-850-2980  FAX:+81-29-858-2645
  E-mail:attach ""to "occco"
From Hitachino-Ushiku Station :JR Joban Line(Train)
Take the Bus bound for Tsukuba Center or Tsukuba University Chuou.
It takes about 20 minutes to the National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES).
From Tsukuba Station :TSUKUBA EXPRESS(TX) Line (Train)

Take the Bus bound for Hitachino-Ushiku Station.
It takes about 10~29 minutes to NIES.
Express Bus From Tsukuba Center

Take the Bus bound for Hitachino-Ushiku Station.
It takes about 10~29 minutes to NIES.

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